Piccolos Accelerated Early Learning is a Montessori centre with a focus on education. Our centre provides a Kindergarten programme within a long day care environment. 

Have you asked yourself these ten important questions for the benefit of your child?

  • Do you want your child to enjoy social interaction in a respectful and caring, homely environment? 
  • Is your child experiencing a world renowned Montessori education that is focused on their personal interests hence developing a love of learning for the future? 
  • Do you think your child is being challenged while at daycare and working to their full potential during their most precious years? 
  • Are you supporting your child’s education now so that their future is secured? 
  • Would you like to see your child gain self-esteem and confidence through the use of self-paced activities that promote achievement? 
  • Would you like your child to grow up with an appreciation and respect for our natural environment? 
  • Do you want your child to learn at a kindergarten where they will develop emotional intelligence allowing them understand and control their own feelings as well as show respect to others? 
  • Is your child developing concentration skills while in childcare so that they can work independently and be content? 
  • Do you want to develop a strong relationship with your child based on core social values that promote peace and respect? 
  • Would you like to meet families with like-minded values and build new friendships through family events in Frankston South, Mt Eliza and surrounding areas?